How can you help us?

We want you to have a pleasant experience when you visit or call our offices.Here’s how you can help us to help you –

  • Ensure that you provide complete and accurate information when submitting any application to us.
  • Feel free to provide feedback on how we can make our services better, we take your suggestions into consideration and use them to refine our operations so that we can serve you even better.
  • Provide a contact telephone number, TRN, NIS number/account number when you write in to us.
  • Let us know of any change in your address or in your employment information.
  • Respond as quickly as possible, if you are asked to provide additional information for us to be able to help you.
  • Provide us with acceptable identification such as a valid (not expired) driver’s license, passport or national identification card.
  • If possible, provide us with your e-mail address.
  • Make your mortgage payments on time.
  • If you are an employer, send in completed and accurate Annual Returns by the deadline of March 31 of the following year.
  • If you are an employer or self-employed person, pay your NHT contributions on time.
  • Ensure that your Contributions Refund application contains accurate information.
  • Treat our staff with respect and courtesy.