Procurement Resources

Effective August 1, 2023, all procuring entities, to include the National Housing Trust, are required to execute procurement proceedings via the Government of Jamaica Electronic Procurement (GOJEP) platform.

GOJEP is a web-based, collaborative system that facilitates procurement planning, solicitation and contract award processes in public procurement. It offers a secure, transparent and enabling platform for procurements of any nature, complexity or value. Different public procurement procedures are supported for both one-off and repeat purchases through several dedicated sub-modules providing facilities for user registration, competition notification, bid preparation and submission, online bid evaluation and contract award.  The full use of the GOJEP system is critical to the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service (MOFPS), and by extension the Government of Jamaica, in providing decision making procurement data that will be used to inform economic and procurement policy decisions.

Subject only to the exemptions indicated by the MOFPS, all procurement contracts with estimated contract value of One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars Jamaican Currency (J$1,500,000.00) and above must be executed using GOJEP. Additionally, all procurement contracts with a value exceeding Five Hundred Thousand Dollars Jamaican Currency (J$500,000.00) but not exceeding One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars Jamaican Currency (J$1,500,000.00) awarded without the use of GOJEP, must be manually entered into GOJEP within three (3) business days after the date of letter of contract award (after all approvals) or date of purchase order in the case where there is no contract. The government is encouraging all procuring entities to conduct procurement transactions for all contract values using GOJEP as this would eliminate the need for manual upload of procurement information.

Based on the foregoing, our suppliers need to be registered on this system for its effective use. If you have not yet done so, please self-register on the GOJEP platform. You can do so by navigating to the GOJEP Self-Registration page or make contact with the Office of Public Procurement Policy (OPPP) for support by e-mail at: or by calling 876-932-5264. Furthermore, the OPPP has prepared some key documents to assist suppliers with the registration process. They are listed below, and are available by clicking on the links for ease of access.

  1. Circular #18 dated June 23, 2023 from the Financial Secretary - MOFPS re Exclusive Use of GOJEP Portal
  2. Guidance Note 2/2022 (GN 2/22) from OPPP-MOFPS re Use of Electronic Procurement in GOJ Procurement Operations
  3. GOJEP Supplier Manual
  4. GOJEP Frequently Asked Questions