For the Sale or Lease of Orange Grove, Trelawny

The National Housing Trust (NHT), Jamaica, is seeking applications for the purchase or lease of a recreational property at Orange Grove, Trelawny. Subject to the terms of this RFP, the NHT will consider all proposals (each a “Proposal”) submitted by interested persons (each a “Proposer”).

The NHT will sell or lease the Property “as-is” to the successful Proposer, if any. Additionally the NHT and the successful Proposer will enter a Sales or Lease Agreement which, among other things, will outline the conditions of sale or lease.

Applications for sale or lease of the property will be accepted until a decision is made regarding to whom the property will be sold or leased.

The Site

The property called Orange Grove is located on Old Jamaica Way, approximately 4.52 kilometers (3 miles) south-east of the Falmouth town center, Trelawny and south of the Royalton White Sands Resort. 

The property is contained on approximately 3.69 hectares (9.12 acres). It has a sweeping view of the Caribbean Sea and is well landscaped with asphalt paved driveways, asphalted parking areas, ornamental plants, shrubs, trees and attractively maintained lawn areas.  The property details are as follows:

General grounds and facilities– This is set in a beautiful environment with indigenous plants and manicured lawns. The grounds consist of some herbal plants, a sugar mill, and a parking area which can accommodate up to 10  buses or 20 cars. This historical property includes a slave burying ground and graves of past owners.  It  has three (3) 1,000 gallon water storage tanks and a 125 KVA Standby Generator with an automatic transfer switch supported by a 600 gallons fuel tank.

Main Building (14,000 Square Feet) - This consists of discrete buildings with covered connecting walkways and passages. The spaces were previously used for meetings, receptions, offices, 6 male/female restrooms, control room, storeroom, holding areas, gift shop, large dining area, kitchen, conference/training room, etc.

Entertainment Area (1,875.58 Square Feet)– This consists of 2 large covered areas used for entertainment and restrooms. 

Other Buildings (1,161.08 Square Feet)– These include gate house, gazebos (with concrete benches), guard houses, kitchen, etc.

Main Office building (768 Square Feet– This consists of several rooms with storeroom, kitchenette and porch.

Great House (4,566.57 Square Feet)– This is a 246-year old Georgian Plantation Great House with 4 bedrooms, meeting room, caretaker quarters, guard houses, kitchen, laundry areas and entertainment gazebos. The building has a view of the ocean and is fitted with a verandah enclosed with wooden lattice work. The house has a swimming pool and lawn areas.

The legal description of the Site -Title to the property is registered under the Registration of Titles Act at Volume 1062 Folio 888 in the Register Book of Titles.

The property was previously used for historic tours, catering mainly to visitors to the island and students of history from primary and high schools.      

The property will be sold to the Proposer offering the highest price deemed acceptable by the NHT, otherwise, proposals for the lease of the property will be considered.  Interested Parties may not visit the property without prior approval of the NHT.  Persons who are interested in visiting the property should contact Ms. Joan Dennis, Snr. Project Manager, NHT at (876) 929-6531 or (876) 929-6500 Ext. 7842 to arrange for a showing.  Subject to scheduling availability, the NHT will provide tours of the property.

Development Goals 

Proposals for lease must show how maintenance of the tourism product, recreational and, if feasible, educational use of the property will be achieved. Residential use will not be accommodated.  The addition by the Proposer of facilities and amenities, along with the required infrastructure, which result in an improvement of the value of the property, will be considered.

NB. There are no developmental goals in respect of Proposals for Sale.

Financial Requirements and Incentives 

The NHT will not provide mortgage financing for persons wishing to purchase the property.

Proposals for lease of the property should include a proposed annual guaranteed lease amount and an amount related to the percentage of gross revenue which will be paid annually to the NHT. 

All Proposals must be accompanied by Security in the amount of Five Hundred Thousand Jamaican Dollars (J$500,000) in the form of a Bond or Manager’s Cheque to be used to complete the process in relation to the accepted Proposer. Note the following:

a) The Proposal shall be valid for one hundred and eighty (180) days after the submission date. 

b) Also, kindly note that the bond or manager’s cheque must:

  1. Be issued by a reputable institution.  If the institution issuing the bond is located outside Jamaica, it shall have a correspondent financial institution located in Jamaica to make it enforceable.
  2. Be payable promptly upon written demand by the NHT in case the conditions are invoked; and
  3. Be submitted in its original form; copies will not be accepted. 

The Bond or Manager’s Cheque of Proposers whose Proposals are not shortlisted shall be returned within four (4) months of receipt. Those from Proposers whose Proposals are shortlisted shall be returned as promptly as possible upon the successful Proposer’s execution of the Sale or Lease Agreement.

The Bond or Manager’s Cheque may be forfeited:

  • if a Proposer withdraws its Proposal during the validity period;
  • if the successful Proposer fails within the specified time to:
  • execute the Sale or Lease Agreement; or 
  • furnish additional information requested.

Proposal Contents - Sale 

Each Proposal for Sale must include the following information, numbered and presented in the order outlined below, to be deemed complete and responsive.  Proposals which the NHT deems incomplete or unresponsive will not be considered. 

1. Cover Page.  Each Proposal must include a cover page setting forth the following information: 

  • Proposer’s name and mailing address;
  • Proposer’s current legal status (e.g., corporation, limited liability company, partnership, or sole-proprietorship);
  • Contact person’s name, title, phone number, and e-mail address; and
  • Signature of Proposer (if Proposer is an entity, the signature and title of the individual authorized to sign on such entity’s behalf).   

2. Description of Proposer.  The Proposal should consist of a complete description of the

     Proposer including:  

  • Proposer’s equity owners; and
  • Name and title of the Proposers attorney and any other individual(s) who would be involved in the preparation of the Sales Agreement for the Property in the event the NHT selects the Proposer’s Proposal.

3. Source of Funds. The Proposal should include detailed sources of all funds Proposer intends to use for the acquisition of the Property.

4. Acceptance of Payment Terms. The Proposal must include a signed acceptance to pay the sales price if accepted as follows:

  • 10% on signing of the Sale Agreement
  • Remainder on submission of transfer documents and title to Proposer’s named Attorney.

Proposal Contents - Lease 

Each Proposal for Lease must include information numbered and presented in the order listed below, to be deemed complete and responsive. Proposals which the NHT deems incomplete or unresponsive will not be considered. 

1. Cover Page.  Each Proposal must include a cover page setting forth the following information: 

  • Proposer’s name and mailing address;
  • Proposer’s current legal status (e.g., corporation, limited liability company, partnership, or sole-proprietorship);
  • Contact person’s name, title, phone number, and e-mail address; and
  • Signature of Proposer (if Proposer is an entity, the signature and title of the individual authorized to sign on such entity’s behalf).    

2. Summary.  The Proposal should begin with a brief narrative summarizing the key terms of the Proposer’s Proposal.

3. Description of the Project.  Section 1 of the Proposal should consist of a complete description of the Proposer’s Development plan for the Property including: 

  • The location, size, building materials, and design style of any buildings or other structures or structural modifications to be constructed on the property;
  • All other improvements Proposer plans to construct on the property, including without limitation roads, parking lots, landscaping, and utilities;
  • Preliminary Site plan and/or schematic showing the proposed improvements;
  • The scope and anticipated schedule of operations for each Facility which Proposer will operate on the property;
  • Proposer’s plans for staffing its operations; 
  • Proposer’s plans for providing safety and security for tenants/owners and visitors, including emergency management; and
  • Proposer’s covenants and/or use restrictions which will help ensure that the Facilities are managed and used in accordance with the Development Goals for the Property.

4. Description of Proposer.  Section 2 of the Proposal should consist of a complete description of the Proposer including:  

  1. Proposer’s equity owners and management structure if the Proposer is an entity;
  2.  Proposer’s executive team for the development and management of the Facilities, including the name, title, role, and experience of each member of the team;
  3. Name, title, role, and experience of any other individual who will have a significant role in the development or management of the Facilities;
  4. Brief description of Proposer’s other development or management projects, if any, which are similar in size or nature to the proposed use, and
  5. Name and title of the Proposers Attorney and any other individual(s) who would be involved in negotiating the Lease Agreement for the Property in the event the NHT selects the Proposer’s Proposal.

5. Development Budget. Section 3 should consist of a budget for the development of the Property, including: 

  • The means by which Proposer intends to lease the Property and Proposer’s proposed lease price;
  • Detailed sources of all funds Proposer intends to use for the Property, including the type and security status of any proposed financing; and
  • Uses for all funds, itemized to show costs for the lease of the Property and hard and soft construction costs, equipment and machinery.

6. Development Schedule.  Section 4 should consist of the Proposer’s schedule to complete the Development of the Facilities, including, as applicable, the time needed to secure financing, complete planning and design, obtain necessary approvals and permits, prepare the site, and complete construction of the improvements, installation of equipment and machinery.

7. Operating Pro Forma.  Section 5 of the Proposal should consist of an operating pro forma (“Pro Forma”) for the Facilities over at least five years.  The Pro Forma should detail all assumptions underlying the income and expense projections, including without limitation assumptions, if any, for rental rates, vacancy rates, operating expenses, growth rates, taxes, debt services, and capital reserves.  The Pro Forma should break out line items for all revenue streams and expense categories.

8. Description of Public Benefits. Section 6 of the Proposal should identify any public benefits which will result from Proposer’s development of the Facilities (e.g., creation of jobs, tax base enhancement, provision of retail goods and services, and any other beneficial impact to the Trelawny community). 

9. Other Information.  Section 7 is optional and should include any other information which Proposer believes would assist the NHT in understanding and evaluating Proposer’s Proposal.  

Proposal Submission, Available Site Information, & RFP Inquiries 

Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope, clearly marked on the outside of the envelope, “SALE - ORANGE GROVE, TRELAWNY” OR “LEASE - ORANGE GROVE, TRELAWNY”.  Proposals and all required or requested supplemental materials shall be placed in the appropriately labeled PROPOSAL BOX located in offices of the NHT’s SGM, Construction & Development. Supplemental materials will not be accepted after the proposals have been opened, unless requested by the NHT.  Proposers must include four (4) paper copies and one (1) digital copy of the Proposal.  Proposals and any requested supplemental materials shall become the NHT’s property and will not be returned to the Proposer.  

The NHT will acknowledge receipt of all Proposals.  Faxed or emailed proposals will not be considered.   

Proposal Submission

Mark sealed envelope with either: “SALE - ORANGE GROVE, TRELAWNY”; or “LEASE - ORANGE GROVE, TRELAWNY” in BOLD and address as “Private and Confidential” to:

The General Manager

Corporate Communication & Marketing Department

National Housing Trust

4 Park Boulevard

Kingston 5

NB:  The Proposer is to ensure that he/she signs the Bid Receipt form upon submission of the Proposal.

Proposal Evaluation and Selection 

Each Proposal will be evaluated by a committee of representatives selected by the NHT (“Committee”).  The Committee will recommend to the Board the Proposal which best meets the evaluation criteria below and the other terms of this RFP.  The Proposer whose Proposal is recommended to the NHT’s Board should be prepared to present its Proposal to the said Board. 

The following criteria are among those that the Committee and the NHT will consider in evaluating the Proposal(s): 

a) Purchase price/lease;

b) Feasibility of Proposer’s proposed plan to acquire or lease the Site;

c) Experience, record, and financial position of Proposer; 

d) Feasibility of Project Budget and Schedule;

e) Public benefits generated by the Proposal;

f) Minimization of public assistance, if any; and

g)Overall quality of Proposal and its adherence to this RFP. 

The foregoing criteria are not intended to be inclusive and are not presented in any particular order. The Committee and the NHT may, without notice to Proposer and in their sole discretion, expand or reduce the criteria upon which any decision regarding a Proposal is based.   

Additional RFP Terms 

By submitting a Proposal in response to this RFP, each Proposer agrees to the following: 

a) Proposals will be subject to all terms of this RFP; 

b) The NHT reserves the right to waive or vary any term of this RFP with respect to one or more Proposals in cases where the NHT determines such wavier or variance is in the best interests of the NHT; 

c) The NHT reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals or parts of the Proposals, to negotiate modifications of any Proposals submitted, and to negotiate specific work elements with a Proposer into a project of lesser or greater magnitude than the Project described in this RFP or Proposer’s Proposal; 

d) The NHT reserves the right to terminate the evaluation process described in this RFP in the event that none of the Proposals submitted satisfies the NHT’s evaluation criteria;  

e) The NHT will not reimburse any Proposer for any cost or expense incurred by such Proposer in connection with the preparation, submission, or presentation of Proposer’s Proposal; and 

f) If the NHT’s Board determines to move forward with the Proposer’s Proposal, the Proposer will agree to negotiate in good faith with the NHT a definitive Lease Agreement which shall satisfy the contracting requirements below and otherwise set forth the terms and conditions of Proposer’s development of the Site.  

Contracting Requirements 

The selected Proposer will be required to enter into a Lease Agreement with the NHT and to comply with all applicable NHT requirements.  These requirements vary depending on the details of the development proposed by the Proposer.  Some of these requirements are listed below; however, the list is not intended to be exhaustive: 

a) Site Conditions.  The property will be sold or leased “as-is” and it will be the Proposer’s responsibility to correct, repair and pay for all costs associated with its development.

b) Permits.   The NHT shall support the Proposer in seeking the necessary permits and licenses in order for the development to meet the Development Goals.   

c) Utilities.  The Proposer selected pursuant to this RFP shall be responsible for the improvements and rehabilitation, installation, permitting and approval of electricity, water and other utilities required for Proposer’s development of the property.

d) Indemnification.  The Proposer will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the NHT and its officers and employees from all liabilities, claims, damages, costs, judgments, lawsuits, and expenses, including court costs and reasonable Attorney’s fees, regardless of the Proposer’s insurance coverage, arising directly from any negligent act or omission of the Proposer, its employees, agents, or subcontractors, by reason of the failure of the Proposer to perform, in any respect, any of its obligations under the Lease Agreement.