What can you expect from us?

We promise all our customers the highest standards of service. Your queries, loan requests, suggestions and complaints will be handled with the utmost confidentiality, integrity and care. You will be treated with respect by all our staff with whom you come in contact. Our aim is to delight you.

Courtesy and Helpfulness

We are committed to achieving the highest level of customer satisfaction and so we will -

  • be courteous, fair and respectful
  • help you to complete your transactions
  • provide our customer service representatives with name badges so that they can be clearly identified.

Information and Openness

We promise to provide accurate and complete information on all our services and will promptly let you know of any changes to our policies or to the way we operate. We will ensure that –

  • brochures on all our loans and services are available from any NHT office. We will place the latest brochures and posters in waiting areas
  • telephone numbers and addresses for all offices are listed at the back of our product brochures
  • our Call Centre at 1-800-CALL-NHT is able to provide you with general information about our programmes and policies
  • our website is kept up-to-date on policies and developments that affect you
  • there are clear directions and signs at key points in all of our offices to guide you to where you need to go
  • our annual report, along with the audited financial statements, are published by the end of September each year and are available to all members of the public.

Customer Relations Management Quality Policy Statement:

The Management of the National Housing Trust (NHT) Customer Relations Management Division is committed to achieving high levels of customer satisfaction throughout all departments within the Division. We will continuously improve our processes, products and services in order to meet and/or exceed customer requirement.