Solar Water Heater Loan

The Solar Water Heater Loan provides financing to contributors and recognized institutions for the installation and retrofitting of solar heating systems.

The Solar Water Heater Loan is available to any contributor (only one is allowed per applicant) who can provide a title for a residential property or who has at least enough funds in their Contribution Accounts here at the NHT equal to the cost of the system + $20,000.  Contributors may apply regardless of whether or not they have already received an NHT loan.

You can borrow at an interest rate of 3% over a maximum period of 5 years (with a 5% service charge), to buy and install the system. The solar water heater system does not have to be installed on the house that is being used as security.  A portion of the loan may be used to purchase and install water tanks and pumps.

Click here to find out how to apply for your Solar Water Heater Loan if you are an individual contributor.

Click here to find out how to apply for your Solar Water Heater Loan if you are a contributing institution.

Click here to learn about our loan limits.