Developers Programme - Request for Proposals


1) Expressions of Interest - Development of Low-cost Housing

The NHT invites expressions of interest from local and international developers to design and build low-cost housing solutions on lands owned by the NHT.

Interested developers may apply to be placed on the NHT’s list of pre-qualified companies, after which they will be notified and invited to submit proposals for specific projects.

Tracts of NHT lands available for development include:



  1. Completed application form
  2. Business registration documents
  3. Audited financial statements
  4. Two client referral letters
  5. One bank referral letter 


2) Building & Infrastructure Developments St. Andrew & St. Catherine

The National Housing Trust (NHT) through its Special Developers Programme, invites proposals to undertake building and infrastructure works via a Design and Build Agreement, at the following locations:

  • SURBITON ROAD – St. Andrew (estimated 70 apartments)
  • JOHNSON HILL – St. Catherine (estimated 100 semi-detached houses)

The selected developers will be required to design, obtain approvals, construct and sell 80% of the housing units in the respective development. The NHT will sell the remaining 20% of units to its contributors. 


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