NHT In The News

The beginning of June should see residents and homeowners making the necessary preparations in the event of a storm, ensuring the safety of their families and their homes.  June 1- November 30 is recognised as the Atlantic Hurricane Season. With this in mind, the National Housing Trust (NHT…

The National Housing Trust Social Development Department invited NHT Scheme community leaders to apply for Community Development Scholarship.

The selectees from a pool of 93 applicants received via the NHT website for the Community Development Scholarships are as follows:

The National Housing Trust (NHT), acknowledges that some of our customers may have experienced delays in accessing some in-branch services today. The Trust also wishes to extend an apology to these customers for any inconvenience caused. This, as a significant number of our employees, called in…

Residents of the Ruthven Towers development and National Housing Trust, NHT staff joined efforts on Labour Day, May 23, 2023 at the Women’s Centre of Jamaica Foundation on Trafalgar Road in St. Andrew. The group of approximately 50 volunteers participated in several activities including tilling…

The National Housing Trust (NHT), is set to implement a series of strategic changes to optimise loan processing and accessibility to mortgage financing for its contributors.

Improvements to our customer service delivery along with the recently announced increases in loan limits are…

The National Housing Trust (NHT), wishes to provide information to the public on the nature of its relationship with Stocks and Securities Limited, SSL.

SSL has in the past formed part of a pool of brokerage institutions used by the NHT to purchase shares/stocks on the Equity Market.…