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It has come to our attention that some customers have been receiving phishing emails from individuals pretending to work for the National Housing Trust, NHT. These emails contain links requesting customers to login to or download applications to collect contact information for an “upcoming annual promo giveaway” and the processing of refund applications and other transactions.

The NHT wishes to advise that it is not conducting any promotional giveaway neither does the NHT collects information to facilitate refund applications. Refund applications are done via the NHT’s website and mobile app and while notifications are provided…

When Constable Owen Graham responded to a call while on duty in December 2019, he did not know his life would change forever. The vehicle in which the officer was travelling met in an accident, leaving his colleague dead and him being paralyzed from the waist down.

The incident has left the 27-year-old devastated, explaining that it has caused him to feel like a prisoner in his current abode, where his father, two sisters and spouse also reside. The house, which he explains is not retrofitted in addressing his disability needs, makes it near next to impossible to move without being lifted.

The Clarendon native said he now…

Prime Minister, the Honourable Andrew Holness, led the handing over of thirty keys to newly constructed detached two-bedroom units at Roseneath Park, Old Harbour, St. Catherine on Wednesday October 12, 2022.

The units were developed through Roseneath Developers under the NHT's Guaranteed Purchase Programme.

Balanced and "fairly distributed" were how Prime Minister Holness described the selection of the cohort of beneficiaries for Roseneath Park during his keynote address.

In highlighting certain key data, he revealed that 33% of the selectees were young adults between the ages of 19-35, while 37% were between the…

The National Housing Trust (NHT), wishes to clarify its policy decision on interest rate subsidies. Under the new policy, income is the sole determinant of the interest rate subsidy applied to mortgagors. The policy is aimed at ensuring equity and allocation of subsidies where it is most needed, that is, to the lowest income groups and the most vulnerable. The policy is intended for application to new loans.

For some time, the organization has been analyzing the manner in which it allocates subsidies. Under the prior approach, additional interest rate subsidies were applied to special groups. This resulted in persons who fell…

The National Housing Trust (NHT), is creating more opportunities to improve access to homeownership for Jamaicans. Periodically, the NHT reviews its strategies to achieve its desired objectives. Through adjustments to some of its key programmes, more contributors will be better equipped to navigate the mortgage market. The NHT’s strategic focus going forward is geared at among other things, a more equitable distribution of benefits and where subsidies and grants are concerned, targeting them to those contributors who need it the most. The NHT’s imperative is the doubling down of its efforts to create more housing solutions for Jamaicans…

Prime Minister, the Hon. Andrew Holness on Wednesday, August 3, led the handing over of keys to a new set of Jamaicans at a handing over ceremony for Ruthven Towers, Phase 1.

Ruthven Towers, which is conveniently located in the urban epicentre of New Kingston, is a gated eight-storey apartment building comprising seventy-two (72) one-bedrooms and fourteen (14) two-bedrooms.

During his keynote address, Prime Minister Andrew Holness, expressed that he was particularly elated that a majority of the selectees, approximately 66%, were within the 25 to 40 age range. He also indicated that Ruthven represented less than one percent…

The National Housing Trust is now ISO 9001:2015 certified. The International Organization for Standardization, ISO certification, which is the most globally recognised standard for quality management, established that NHT has demonstrated a commitment to continuously developing, maintaining and improving its business processes.

A symbolic presentation of the certificate was made to the Hon. Andrew Holness by Dr. Lanie-Marie Oakley-Williams, Senior General Manager for the National Housing Trust’s Customer Relations Management Division at a handing over ceremony for Ruthven Towers, Phase 1 on Wednesday, August 3.


"Alone we can do so little; together we can so much."- A truism most profoundly evidenced at the groundbreaking ceremony, held on May 20th, for Unions Acres; the NHT’s newest development in Irwin, St. James. The development which is expected to provide 144 two-bedroom units to civil servants is the successful outcome of a series of negotiations between the Jamaica Civil Service Housing Company Limited (JCSHCL), Jamaica Confederation of Trade Unions (JCTU) and the Government of Jamaica (GOJ).

Highlighting the NHT's importance to the government's thrust for housing, Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness,…